Day of the Dead Concert: Tres Souls

For the last decade Rocio Mendoza, Roberto Carlos, and Jesus Martinez have serenaded audiences in LA and beyond, with their own interpretations of a genre called “Bolero.” They relive the vintage sounds and songs of the 1940s-1960s, stylized during the Golden Era of Mexican Cinema.
Each member of the trio is an accomplished musician, and each inherited the knowledge and importance of heritage music through their family and generations before them. In their own way Tres Souls are following in the footsteps of other “Trio Romanticos", like Eydie Gorme Y Los Panchos, Los Tres Reyes and Los Tres Ases, while interspersing musical influences that can be heard echoing through out the diaspora of Los Angeles. Tres Souls released their first album in 2019 titled, “Boleros Made In LA.” Where they celebrate their roots while branching out into uncharted territory.
*This concert will feature a special performance by the Latino Arts Strings Program!

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