Between Yesterday and Where, The Magic of Macondo I Entre Ayer y el Adonde, La Magia de Macondo

Between Yesterday and Where, The Magic of Macondo is an exploration of the idea that personal identity that can occupy a physical or figurative space informed by cultural heritage and external forces. Artists participating in this exhibition are part of the Macondo collective that shares the idea that place of origin is a duality between geography and cultural heritage. And it spreads with the exodus of individuals on its way through life and the world. In other words, the mythical village that Gabriel Garcia Marquez created in the pages of 100 Years of Solitude is a universal village shared in the collective Latin American legacy that exists in our cultural practices and lived experiences beyond the geographical location of our birth.
About Magical Realism:
Magical Realism is a literary genre with deep roots throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. With its depiction of stories uniquely placed between the mundane routine of everyday life, place, and cultural traditions; juxtaposed with the extraordinary that is manifested in the many characters and places that come to life in the pages of Marquez and Allende amongst many other authors. Magical Realism continues to seed itself in the Latino/Hispanic experience as new generations discover and recognize themselves in the characters and stories. Magical realism challenges us to see idiosyncrasy, geography, nature, and language as juxtaposition to the status quo and nauseousness of everyday life.
Entre Ayer y el Adonde, La Magia de Macondo Es una exploración de la idea que la identidad personal puede ocupar un sitio físico o figurativo informado por herencias culturales y fuerzas externas. Artistas participando en esta exhibición forman parte del colectivo Macondo que difunde la idea que el pueblo natal es una dualidad entre la geografía y herencia culturales. Y se propaga con el éxodos de individuos en su trayectoria a través de la vida y el mundo. Es decir la aldea mítica que creó Gabriel Garcia Marquez en las páginas de 100 Años de Soledad es una aldea universal compartida en el legado colectivo Latino Americano que existe en nuestra prácticas culturales y experiencia vividas más allá del punto geográfico que nos vio nacer.
Sobre el Realismo Magico
El realismo mágico es un género literario con raíces profundas en América Latina y el Caribe. Con su representación de historias ubicadas de manera única entre la rutina mundana de la vida cotidiana, lugar, y las tradiciones culturales; yuxtapuesto a lo extraordinario que se manifiesta en los múltiples personajes y lugares que cobran vida en las páginas de Márquez y Allende entre muchos otros autores. El realismo mágico continúa retoñando en la experiencia latina / hispana a medida que las nuevas generaciones se descubren y se reconocen a sí mismas en los personajes e historias. El realismo mágico nos desafía a ver la idiosincrasia, la geografía, la naturaleza y el lenguaje como una yuxtaposición al status quo y los matices de la vida cotidiana.
Open Gallery Hours:
Monday - Friday 10:30 a.m. - 7:30p.m.
Interested in bringing a group for a Gallery Tour? Click here to complete our interest form.
Upcoming Café con Arte Dates:
January 26 - Between Yesterday and Where - The Magic of Macondo
March 8 - Mama Said: A Reflection on Maternal Figures
July 13 - The Big Idea X: Celebrating a Decade of Creative Treasures
8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. - English
9:30 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. - Spanish
This exhibit was supported in part by a grants from the City of Milwaukee Arts Board and the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts. Thank you to all of our sponsors.