Reconstructing Reality

By Brianna Lynn Hernández Baurichter
Understanding the world around us requires a shifting perspective shaped by our experiences and the places from which we view life. This perspective helps us to build connections, agree on shared meaning, and navigate familiar situations. Reconstructing Reality presents intentionally altered perspectives, exploring the possibilities within each moment to mean something new, express what is misunderstood, or realize hidden truths. Imagined and recollected imagery are combined to create familiar yet entirely unique psychological landscapes. Fragmented memories and interpretations of present circumstances are stitched together, resulting in dream-like visions. These hybrids of reality and imagination each maintain their own truth to be discovered with a simple shift from one perspective to another.
About the Artist:
Brianna Lynn Hernández Baurichter is an artist and curator based in the Midwest. In the studio, Brianna creates installations through large-scale charcoal drawings, video, and performance which focus on physicality, the subconscious, grief, and trauma. As a curator, she engages underrepresented voices and socially-charged topics to create opportunities for education and empathy. Brianna's creativity is heavily influenced by her mixed heritage from Mexican and German parents, inheriting the spirit of a hybrid, eager to form connections and build new realities.
Exhibit Events
Café con Arte
January 30, 2020
8:15 - 9:15 a.m.
More Information >
This exhibit was supported in part by a grants from the City of Milwaukee Arts Board and the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts. Thank you to all of our sponsors.